Collection In Circular Carousel Slider Shopify

How To Add Collection In Circular Carousel Slider Shopify?

How To Add Collection In Circular Carousel Slider Shopify? In This Post, We will Learn How To Add a Collection In the Circular Carousel Slider Shopify. There is no Coding knowledge required for this you justĀ have to follow the steps and you can add a circular collection to your Shopify store and it’s free.

Collection In Circular Carousel Slider Shopify

Step 1: Get into Shopify Admin
Sign in to your Shopify admin account.
On the Dashboard, look for Online Store in the menu on the left.
Select Themes.

Step 2: Change the Code
In the Themes area, spot your current theme and click Actions (it’s next to the theme’s name).
Pick Edit Code from the menu that drops down.

Step 3: Find the Sections Folder
When the code editor opens look for the Sections folder in the sidebar on the left.
Click Sections to open it up.

Step 4: Create a New Section
At the top of the Sections folder, click the Add a new section button.
In the window that pops up, enter a name for your new section (for example, custom-section) and click Create Section.

Step 5: Paste the Code In Your Liquid File Given below

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px){._circle_img img{width:60px;}
._circle_icon{gap:13px !important;justify-content: flex-start !important;}
<div class=" icon_circle_parent icon_circle-{{ }}" style="padding-top:15px; padding-bottom:15px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;" >
{% if section.settings.is_icon_enable %}
      ._circle_icon{display:flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; gap:40px; flex-wrap: nowrap; overflow: auto;}
      ._circle_img img{border-radius:100%;width:80px;}
      ._circle_img{display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center;}
      ._collection_title{font-size: 12px; font-weight: 600;}
    <div class="_circle_icon page-width">
  {% for block in section.blocks %}
    {% assign _circle_collection = block.settings.circle_collection %}
    {% assign _collections =  collections[_circle_collection] %}
    <div class="_circle_img" >
    <a href="{{_collections.url}}">
    <img src={{ _collections.featured_image | img_url }}>
      <span class="_collection_title">
        {% unless block.settings.cutome_title_circle == blank %}
        {{ block.settings.cutome_title_circle }}
          {% else %}
          {{ _collections.title }}
        {% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% schema %}
    "name": "Circle Collection",
    "settings": [
        "type": "text",
        "label": "Title",
        "id": "icon_title"
        "type": "checkbox",
        "label": "Enable Circle Icon",
        "id": "is_icon_enable"
    ,"blocks": [
       "type": "circle-icon",
       "name": "circle Icon",
           "type": "collection",
           "label": "Select Collection",
           "id": "circle_collection"
           "type": "text",
           "label": "Custom Collection Name",
           "id": "cutome_title_circle"
    "presets": [
        "name": "Circle Collection"
{% endschema %}

Step 6: Save the Section

Step 7: Add the Section to Your Theme With named Devdesire Circle Collection

For better understanding, you Can watch our YouTube Video Given Below


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